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Weather Alert

A hurricane has been forecasted for the Big Bend area with impacts reaching across the state. Follow communication of your local authorities. Watch your local Extension office website for closure, program impacts and recovery resources.

Master Gardener Info Slider

Master Gardener Updates

Benefits of becoming a Master Gardener

  • quality of horticulture/gardening information you will gain
  • classmates are like minded and share your love of caring for plants and vegetable gardening
  • help improve your garden and landscape 
  • helping others
  • possible volunteer opportunities with 4-H Programs, gardening programs at schools, and at your Extension Office
  • access to Extension Trainers, facilities and informational resources

Basic Requirements

  1. complete a Master Gardener Volunteer Application (Application Form)
  2. enroll in a Florida Master Gardener training (Eventbrite Registration)
  3. complete a background check
  4. complete 78 hours of classroom and garden training
  5. complete 75 volunteer hours through the Franklin or Wakulla Extension Office by March 2022 (volunteer hours include work in Extension gardens, approved community and school garden projects, 4-H programs, etc)

Program Lead

Dr. Patrick Williams (Pat), UF/IFAS Wakulla County Extension
850-926-3931 Office
Email: Franklin Master Gardeners

Other Contacts

Erik Lovestrand and/or Michelle Huber, UF/IFAS Franklin County Extension850-653-9337 Office
Email: Franklin Master Gardeners